Monthly Archives: January 2014

Deaf people and interpreters campaigning together!


The Stop Changes to Access to Work campaign supports interpreters of all political persuasions! (VLP & ASLI members – equally welcome).

Tom Watson MP, “Labour Big Beast” blogs!

This morning we’ve had a huge show of support from Tom Watson MP. We would like to thank Tom for taking the time to blog about the changes to Access to Work and explaining the issue so clearly. You can read his blog here.

We hope that Tom signing our petition and blogging, will help to raise the profile of this issue and encourage other MPs to show their support.

If you haven’t already done so, please use our MP template letter and send it to your local MP. Its a very simple thing to do (it only takes a minute!), but all adds to the pressure we are placing on the MPs responsible for this.

Please continue to sign and share the campaign!

Campaign update.


We are aware that we haven’t posted anything recently. This is just a quick update to reassure you that we are still very busy with the campaign. There is a lot going on in the background – planning work and arranging meetings with MPs etc – hopefully we will be able to tell you more very soon.

In the meantime please do continue to sign and share the petition. Thank you!