Category Archives: Access to Work

Barriers to Work: our report and recommendations 

You may have caught the Victoria Derbyshire programme that focused on Access to Work this morning? If you missed it you can watch it here.

This programme coincides with the parliamentary launch of our report and recommendations into the Access to Work scheme.

Our report highlights the many problems that Deaf and disabled people face when using the scheme which has been called ‘not fit for purpose’.

Barriers to Work: A survey of Deaf and Disabled people’s experiences of the Access to Work programme in 2015/2016

Read the full report here (pdf).

Improve Access to Work: our recommendations

Read our recommendations here (pdf).

Barriers to Work – get involved in campaigning for an Access to Work scheme that is fit for purpose

Access to Work has a proven track record of effectively supporting Deaf and Disabled people to get into, stay in and get on in employment while providing a return on investment to the Treasury, and yet over recent years has been beset by difficulties that are increasing barriers to work.

This October, StopChanges2AtW, a campaign led by Deaf and Disabled campaigners and interpreters, will be launching our report “Barriers to work” and recommendations to how to improve the Access to Work programme and make it once again fit for purpose.

We are asking Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations and their members to help raise awareness of the difficulties that problems with Access to Work are causing.

Ways to get involved: 

Write to your local MP – It’s important that MPs know what is happening and the adverse impacts that problems with Access to Work are having. Write to let your MP know any bad experiences you have had and invite them to attend our Barriers to Work Parliamentary event. You can download the event invitation here to send to them – let them know you are a constituent and that this issue is of importance to you.

Join our twitter storm! – we have produced a list of tweets that you can use at the time of our event to get attention to the issue. Find our suggested tweets here.

Sign up to our thunderclap! – thunderclap will send a message or tweet from your account at a set time. You will be able to see what will be sent before you sign up and it will only be able to do this for this one message. Sign up here.